A writer for the Culver City Observer has now obtained information that could serve as background for a future story. She has found information on the Internet on how to plan for the creation of a dog and cat kennel. That information could allow for some added knowledge in any article on a possible dog and cat kennel within the reporter's assigned territory.
That same writer has heard several impassioned pleas for an animal control facility in Culver City. Those pleas had come from speakers at the regularly-scheduled City Council meetings. The writer can now better evaluate any future plans for a new dog and cat kennel in Culver City.
A Reporter Prepares for a Story on a Kennel
The writer has read that anyone planning to create a dog and cat kennel should first consider why they want to have such a kennel. Is it going to be a business, or is it going to be a rescue facility? The writer knows from weeks of listening to Council meetings that Culver City would only want a rescue facility, not something that would bring-in lots of extra money.
The writer made note of two special challenges for the creator of a new dog and cat kennel. The writer has read that a kennel builder could have problems staying on budget. She has also read that the builder of a kennel could have to answer to many different parties. The writer can well appreciate that second challenge, since she has heard the many suggestions from the pet owners in Culver City.
The writer could see the seeds of a story in one further bit of advice for the creator of a dog and cat kennel. Information on the Internet suggested that the owner/operator of a planned kennel should think about the need for cleaning and security. The writer is certain that the authorities in Culver City would get complaints from many residents, if they were to forego attention to kennel cleaning and kennel security.
The writer hoped that she would not need to do a story about a delay in plans for or in the building of a dog and cat kennel. She had read that the creator of a kennel should think about the time needed to build the kennel. She had also read that the creator of a kennel should give plenty of consideration to the site layout.
The writer now feels ready to do a possible story on any plans for a new dog and cat kennel in Culver City.
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